Multicultural Community Services of the Pioneer Valley, Inc.

Direct Deposit Ploicy, PayCard, CheckView

MCS is making a change to our policy, effective May 1st all employees are mandated to set up direct deposit.  Most of our employees are already set up for direct deposit, but if you currently need help setting this up then please contact HR or visit for instructions. 

If you don’t have a bank account for direct deposit, please contact HR and you will be ordered a PayCard from Checkwriters.  Your check will be deposited to this PayCard account and you will have access to your money from any ATM machine. This is not a bank account, but a pre-paid debit card (Please see info sheet on back).  Please contact HR if you will need a PayCard. 

We will also be providing information soon on how to download the Checkwriters CheckView App.  This app will allow you to view your paystubs, print your paystubs, and check your accrued time off from your mobile device or desktop.  This will eliminate the need to mail paystubs and help MCS move towards a paperless system.  More information will be sent out as soon as it becomes available.

Please share this information with all staff.