Multicultural Community Services of the Pioneer Valley, Inc.

Other Resources

Here you’ll find an extensive list of web-based information. Click on a topic for further information. This information is also available in hard copy form at each of our local Family Support Centers.

911 Disability Indicator Program

Massachusetts cities and towns now have a service that alerts 911 Emergency Operators that an individual with a disability lives in your home and may have unique safety, communication, evacuation, or ambulance needs in an emergency.

Birth Injury Center

Birth injury includes any harm to a baby during, shortly after, or even before the delivery. Birth injuries affect 7 in 1000 newborns and, in many cases, are largely preventable.

College Planning Guide for Students with Learning Disabilities

This guide developed by Intelligent provides students with learning disabilities with the tools necessary to understand the college environment, their rights, and potential accommodations for in-person and online college.

DDS Eligibility Application

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) provides an application that includes the criteria for eligibility and explicit instructions about the necessary documentation required.

Financial Resources

Various aid and grant programs to assist individuals with disabilities.

Find Your Legislator

This link directs you to the Massachusetts State House where you can search for your legislator by your City/Town or Zip Code.

Interfaith Connections

Interfaith Connections is a group of concerned clergy, self-advocates, and individuals committed to integrating persons with developmental disabilities in local faith communities.

TSA Screening Assistance

TSA Cares is a helpline that provides travelers with disabilities, medical conditions and other special circumstances additional assistance during the security screening process.


A listing of Massachusetts Respite locations