To help fund paid leave benefits available under the PFML law, your employer may make a contribution, funded in part by a deduction from your wages, which will either be remitted to the Trust Fund or to the operator of your employer’s private plan. An employer who contributes to the Trust Fund will be required to contribute the following amounts:
Family Leave Contribution
Medical Leave Contribution
Total Contribution Amount
0.18% of earnings*
0.70% of earnings*
0.88% of earnings*
Because your employer has 25 or more covered workers, the total contribution amount is 00.88% of wages.
Under the law, employers are responsible for a minimum of 60% of the medical leave contribution (.42% of wages) but are permitted to deduct from employees’ wages up to 40% of the medical leave contribution (.28% of wages) and up to 100% of the family leave contribution (.18% of wages) for a total of .46% of wages. Whether your employer has a private plan or participates in the state Trust Fund, your employer cannot deduct more than
these percentages from your wages.
Your employer has elected to allocate the contribution amount as follows:
Medical Leave
will contribute
of the medical leave contribution
will be deducted from your earnings
Family Leave
will contribute
of the family leave contribution
will be deducted from your earnings
You will initial at the end of the document that you understand that this percentage of your wages earned in a pay period will be deducted from your pay each pay period.